The Check Engine Light Problem

Most people have seen their check engine light turn on. Most people have also had it checked only to discover it was something simple that they could have handled alone. Sometimes, that check engine light seems downright useless. It’s not, however. No matter how many people have had this experience, the engine light exists to keep your car and you safe. So, don’t ignore that check engine light.

Engine and Emission Warnings

Engine and Oil Lights

Check Your Check Engine Light

Some things that might trigger your engine light could be small and easily fixed. For example, if your gas cap is loose, your light will come on. That’s because an open gas cap could leak emissions, which isn’t safe. Of course, you can take care of this alone. When your check engine light turns on, check your car manual to find out what might cause it, and if you can take care of it yourself. Or, you could ask your mechanic to show you how to handle some of the smaller issues.
Of course, if you can’t handle it alone, or your check engine light triggers again, you should see your mechanic. The light is also triggered by a number of other things that could be serious. Hopefully, you can avoid these problems by taking excellent care of your car. However, you can’t always be sure of when trouble with strike and you need your catalytic converter fixed, or something else that could be a real problem.
No matter how irritating that check engine light is, don’t ignore it. Take care of it, whether you do it yourself, or have a mechanic fix it. Fortunately, you don’t have to take your car in if you call Rolling Auto Service in Venice, Florida. We come to you. Call 941-493-6511 today.